Enjoy Fine Arts pictures, designs on scatter cushions for stitch embellishment, embroidered duvet pattern/covers, painted or embroidered screens (room dividers) and many more ideas that combine Art and Stitch. Talk to us about digital drawings with stitch suggestions and colours. All you need to do to endorse the techniques, is a copy of our book, ‘Delicious Embroidery’. Many techniques and stitch ideas can be found in this book.
Creative Ideas
Golden Thread


By virtue of its transparency fine fabric, such as Swiss cotton, organza or silk is a magnificent transfer medium. Place the organza over the image required and simply draw the design with a gel pen or HB pencil onto the fabric. See more detail about this technique in ‘Delicious Embroidery’. Refer to framing and commence with the embroidery.

Make a colour photocopy of the picture you wish to transfer. Ask the photocopy technician to “bump up” the colour of your photocopy and make a mirror image. (This will give a good colour surface). Work on a melamine surface or a piece of smooth cardboard. Position your fabric on this surface using masking tape to keep it in place. Now place the photocopy, face down, over the fabric. Detailed instructions can be found in ‘Delicious Embroidery’.
3D Felting and Mixed Media

Blue Chickadee, Robin on a nest, Cape White Eye and Christmas Robin (seen above)

Cape White Eye, bird on a branch is a book cover.

The life size dung beetle is a very unusual combination of 3D techniques: fine stitch supported by silk worm cocoon and a combination of wired picot stitched legs. The dung ball is needle felting changing colours and introducing small bits and pieces of raffia and mixed threads. Dung Beetle farming is something very exciting, as the cattle manure is recycled into dung pots. The waterwise Spekboom can be planted straight into the ground in the dung pot.
See more details about the dung beetle instruction in ‘Delicious Embroidery’.
Patty’s Plum Poppy

Learn how to translate a beautiful botanical photo into an embroidery of exciting dimensions. The petals are hand-painted/dyed silk with fine wool or silk roving, manipulated to create a rosette of petals. The central seedpod is the jewel in the crown; re-invented 3D techniques combine with beads. The buds are crewel combinations, hand stitched cocoons with ribbon foliage.
If you love these dimensional stitch combinations, just buy ‘Delicious Embroidery’ where you will find all the techniques and information you require to create these exciting designs.

Learn how to design and create a perfect 3D Poinsettia. The inspiration was based on a magnificent antique painting. Learn exciting stitch combinations with composite stitches, wrapped beads and mixed media (photo transfer and silk appliqué). Combinations offered would be ideal for a trinket box or dinner napkin. A true botanical picture can also be created, working from a fine silk background with needle painting, moving forward into double-sided wired petals and culminating in the centre with needle-lace and raised embroidery, stump-work techniques. The Poinsettia combines fine thread and crewel stitches, raised embroidery, silk appliqué, self-supporting 3D stitches and fabric & fibre manipulation.
If you love this dimensional stitch combination, just buy Delicious Embroidery where you will find all the techniques and information you require to create these exciting designs.